I am a graduate student working in Caltech's Environmental Science and Engineering option within the Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences. I received my B.A. in applied mathematics with an emphasis in fluid mechanics from UC Berkeley in 2019. At Caltech, I have worked with Jörn Callies to understand how enhanced turbulent mixing at the bottom of the ocean shapes the circulation of the abyss. I was recently awarded a fellowship from the Schmidt Acadamy for Software Engineering to continue development of an open-source finite element model of the abyssal ocean circulation. Check out the project highlight on their webpage!
Feel free to contact me at hgpeterson "at" caltech "dot" edu.
Peterson, H. G. and J. Callies, 2023: Coupling between abyssal boundary layers and the interior ocean in the absence of along-slope variations. J. of Phys. Oceanog. 53, 307–322. [Journal, arxiv, PDF]
Peterson, H. G. and J. Callies, 2022: Rapid spin up and spin down of flow along slopes. J. of Phys. Oceanog. 52, 579–596. [Journal, arxiv, PDF]
González-Cataldo, F., F. Soubiran, H. G. Peterson, and B. Militzer, 2020: Path integral Monte Carlo and density functional molecular dynamics simulations of warm dense MgSiO3. Phys. Rev. B 101, 024107. [Journal, arxiv, PDF]
Peterson, H. G. and W. R. Boos, 2020: Feedbacks and eddy diffusivity in an energy balance model of tropical rainfall shifts. npj Clim. and Atm. Sci. 3, 11. [Journal, PDF]
Last updated on December 12th, 2024